
DTL can provide all aspects of rendering In Lancashire and The northwest for domestic and commercial projects.
Our rendering team are fully trained, have over 30 years of experience and we are Eco-rend approved installers as well as others to give customers peace of mind they have chosen a reputable rendering company.


DTL can provide all aspects of rendering In Lancashire and The northwest for domestic and commercial projects.
Our rendering team are fully trained, have over 30 years of experience and we are Eco-rend approved installers as well as others to give customers peace of mind they have chosen a reputable rendering company.

A bit about render

Choosing the correct render, materials and products can be quite confusing. There are lots of house rendering systems to choose from on the market and each one has its own benefits and disadvantages.

Our team are able to advise you on the best rendering services and products to use based on your budget and other requirements.


It’s a finishing operation for  external walls that gives an attractive, and uniform finish. Applying Any type of render to bare brickwork provides protection from the environment & can increase the thermal value of most properties.

While various Render  products are on the market, the popular render systems available are monocouche render (k-rend, eco-rend & PRB to name a few)

Lime sand & cement render is still available as well as tyrollean, thin coat coloured render systems, wet dashing, etc

Most renders are acceptable for most properties but a survey should be carried out on the property to see which is the best type of render for the age of the property in question. 

Yes There are many different finishes achievable with different render systems from smooth finishes to more textured finishes.



Got a question? Or want to talk about a project? Get in touch with us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.